St Paul's Catholic Primary School, V.A.

Journeying together in faith, hope and love.

Mission, Aims and British Values


The Vision of Bishop Marcus for all Catholic Schools in Leeds

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Catholic Values and 'British Values'


St Paul’s is a Catholic primary school which seeks to live out the values of Jesus Christ. We promote these values by our words and deeds; Catholic doctrine and practice therefore permeates every aspect of school life.


“As parents, you are depositories of the duty and of the primary and inalienable right to educate your childrenand in this regard to give the school positive and constant help with the task. It is your right to demand proper education for your children, an education that is integral and open to the most authentic human and Christian values.” (Pope Francis 2015)


We provide a Catholic curriculum, which is broad and balanced, recognising that every pupil is unique and is created in the image of God (Gen 1: 27).


Our curriculum is designed to enable every pupil to discern their vocation and to be well-equipped to follow it as active citizens in service to the world.

Our educational system is rooted in the teachings of Christ. We endeavour to teach Jesus’s word through all of our lessons and activities. We recognise the importance of the Catechism, the advice we receive from our Parish Priests and the overarching governance from Bishop Marcus Stock. RE lessons are supplemented with sacramental preparation, collective worship and daily prayer. We are proud to be distinctive.

We provide a wide range of sporting and extra-curricular activities. We have strong pastoral support and we regularly revisit our policies on behaviour, rewards and sanctions. We value the rule of law, support individual liberty and foster a community in which different faiths and beliefs are respected.


How do we promote “British Values” in our Catholic Curriculum?



  • Through an effective and purposeful School council;
  • voting for class representatives to the School council;
  • studying the development of sovereignty and government in Britain over time;
  • raising awareness of current affairs with the children at an age appropriate level;

Through 'The way, the Truth and the Life’ RE scheme of work:

  • Through servant leadership and respect for all.
  • By recognising where people were called through vocation and democracy.
  • Becoming aware of our God-given gifts and reflecting on how we can use them to help others.
  • MP Fabian Hamilton has strong links to the school.


The Rule of Law

  • adopting and embedding a strong Positive Behaviour/ Anti-bullying policy which contains clear rewards and sanctions;
  • arranging visits from the Police service to reinforce the message of right and wrong
  • Working closely with our Alwoodley cluster of schools to share advice and support.
  • Excellent working links with the AIP for North Leeds.
  • Annual Visit to Houses of Parliament for Year 6.
  • Working with local MP Fabian Hamilton.

Through 'The way, the Truth and the Life’ RE scheme of work:

  • The teachings of Jesus Christ.
  • The word of God, through the Holy Bible.
  • The Old Testament Commandments, recognised and shared by Moses.
  • Jesus’s teachings on his neighbour and service.
  • Identifying wrong-doing, sin and the power of forgiveness.
  • Action and Consequence.
  • Rulemaking and breaking.


Individual Liberty

  • The power of collaboration. Effective allocation of roles and responsibilities.
  • The ability to speak out and be heard.
  • What it means to be listened to.
  • Debating and agreeing to disagree.
  • What it means to be a member of a school, a community, a group.
  • Pupil voice through school council, projects and social media.
  • Mentoring and supporting others. Eg. Year 6 and Reception “buddies”

Through 'The way, the Truth and the Life' RE scheme of work :

  • The family of the church
  • Being part of the St Paul’s family.
  • The family at home and how each family is different.
  • Stewardship of the World and looking after our resources.
  • Enabling Catholic students to know and understand what they believe about their Catholic faith


Mutual Respect

  • Through our school mission statement, “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.” (John 10:10)
  • A clear system of behaviour, planned and devised by all staff, children and governors.
  • A rewards and sanctions system that has been devised by the children.
  • A shared vision of what St Paul’s is like and why we respect each other’s attitudes and values.
  • marking 'Remembrance; through assemblies, lesson study and charity.

Through 'The way, the Truth and the Life' RE scheme of work :

  • Comparing scenarios and discussing possible outcomes/reactions/feelings.
  • The Mission of the Church- what it means for us.
  • The power of forgiveness and the challenge to forgive.
  • Justice- through inspirational role models like MLK and Oscar Romero.
  • Knowing we are called to justice and asked to speak out against injustice.
  • Actions and what are the consequences?


Tolerance of those with different Faiths and Beliefs

  • visiting places of worship for other faiths and receiving visitors from other faiths in school;
  • recognising and celebrating cultural celebrations for children from different countries within our school;
  • Visiting and sharing festivals and celebrations with other Faiths local to St Paul’s.
  • Identifying how different Religions have common values and beliefs.
  • raising money for those in need locally and internationally i.e. Save the Children Christmas Jumper, The Good Shepherd Appeal, the CAFOD harvest appeal and Children In Need;

Through 'The way, the Truth and the Life' RE scheme of work :

  • Refugees, the struggle through war and the difficulties faced due to beliefs.
  • Judaism, taught through focused lesson study and local visits.
  • Islam, by sharing our work at the Leeds Grand Mosque.
  • Sikhism, through project work and inviting specialist speakers into school.
  • Loving our neighbour- who was Jesus and what did he believe?
  • Discipleship and living out the Beatitudes.
  • MLK- why was his work so important for discipleship and togetherness today.
  • Rosa Parks- inequalities and justice.
  • The gifts from God and how we should use them wisely.